
资讯中心 > 资讯头条 > 希特勒最终失败是因为得了帕金森?


来源:生物谷 2015-07-13 11:26

人们一直怀疑这位屠杀数百万人、发动世界大战的法西斯头目晚年患有帕金森。根据匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh)最新研究,帕金森病是希特勒重大失误并最终没落的关键。

在1900年代早期,Friederich Lewy发现了会破坏大脑正常功能的蛋白质沉淀,现在也被称为路易体

帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease,PD)是一种常见的神经系统变性疾病,临床表现为运动失控、震颤、运动迟缓,并且这种疾病还会影响人的性格,患者会出现一些认知上的障碍 ——例如缺乏想象力和冷漠。《World Neurosurgery》杂志最新发表的一篇文章中写道:希特勒做出错误决定,进行大屠杀,更加反对犹太人和其他种族都可能与帕金森有关。文章作者认 为:帕金森让希特勒变得多疑、做决定时更愿意冒险、不通人性、冷酷无情,最终二战失败。反过来,这些性格又影响了他的病情。


1999年,欧洲神经科学杂志(European Journal of Neurology)上的一篇文章写道:思维迟钝、冲动是希特勒战略上失误的重要原因,1941年入侵苏联失败同样与此相关。1942年在斯大林格勒,他 无法适应多变的情况,1944年诺曼底登陆,他又一次反应过慢最终失败。根据1944年~1945年希特勒医疗记录,研究人员认为他已经丧失了思维灵活 性。(生物谷Bioon.com)


●1944年6月6日。大约5点钟的时候,希特勒的海军顾问卡尔·杰斯柯·冯·普特卡默,被约德尔办公室打来的电话吵醒。打电话的人说“在法国似乎 有某种登陆行动”。确切情况并不了解——事实上,他告诉普特卡默,“最初的情况都很含糊,并不明确。”普特卡默是否认为应把此情况向元首报告?两人反复商 榷,最后决定不要叫醒希特勒。普特卡默回忆说:“当时没什么太多的东西可以告诉他。我们两人都很担心,如果我把他吵醒了,他又会变得很神经质,作出各种稀 奇古怪的决定。”普特卡默认为,到早晨再向希特勒报告也为时不晚。他关上灯又睡了。——《最长的一天》




信源:Hitler Had a Diseased Brain that Caused His Downfall


Understanding the Influence of Parkinson's Disease on Adolf Hitler's Decision-Making during World War II.

doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2015.06.014.

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the presence of Lewy Bodies and a reduction in the number of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of the basal ganglia. Common symptoms of Parkinson's disease include: a reduction in control of voluntary movements, rigidity, and tremors in. Such symptoms are marked by a severe deterioration in motor function. The causes of Parkinson's disease in many cases are unknown. PD has been found to be prominent in several notable people, including Adolf Hitler, the Chancellor of Germany and Führer of Nazi Germany during World War II. It is believed that Adolf Hitler suffered from idiopathic Parkinson's disease throughout his life. However, the effect of Parkinson's disease on Adolf Hitler's decision making during World War II is largely unknown. Here we examine the potential role of Parkinson's disease in shaping Hitler's personality and influencing his decision-making. We purport that Germany's defeat in World War II was influenced by Hitler's questionable and risky decision-making and his inhumane and callous personality, both of which were likely affected by his Parkinson's condition. Likewise his paranoid disorder marked by intense anti-Semitic beliefs influenced his treatment of Jews and other non-Germanic peoples. We also suggest that the condition played an important role in his eventual political decline.

关键词: 帕金森 希特勒

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